Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sick :-(

My poor bug has pink eye :-( I'm not sure how she got it, but she did. We have to put two drops in each eye FOUR times a day!!! For five days! Ugh... she does not like it one bit! But, then again, who would? She seems to be getting better though.

She is going crazy these days. Climbing all over everything, including me, lol. She has started pulling herself to a stand more often. She'll stand up next to the couch and then get angry that she can't sit down. It's kind of funny, but of course I help her down. She will slowly cruise on one piece of furniture, but can't get to anything else yet. It's gonna be hard to contain her when she gets to walking everywhere without support. I can't wait!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Rylee is getting around like a champ these days. She's learned to crawl on her hands and knees, though she gets around faster doing the belly crawl. She will pull herself up on the couch. We had to remove the coffee table because I didn't want her cracking her head open if she fell while trying to pull herself up. We've made the living room basically babyproof. There are a couple things that can't be removed, but other than that she has reign of the area. It's amazing to watch her grow. She amazes me everyday. I can't wait to see the person she will become, but I am more than willing to wait so that I can enjoy her how she is now.

She finally has two teeth. Both are up and through the skin and getting taller each day. I can't wait until she's done teething and has all of her teeth. It's no fun to see her in pain.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Insert Random Title Here

This coming week is going to be super busy and stressful.

Monday- Nothing much happening, James has to work and that's about it.
Tuesday- We're both working and I have yet to find a babysitter.... ugh...
Wednesday- A friend is coming to visit and James might work.
Thursday- I have wedding rehearsal and James works and I have yet to find a babysitter...
Friday- I have to help set up the hall for the reception, Rylee will be going to grandma's house for the weekend.
Saturday- Wedding day, I have a hair appointment at 10am and then I'm not even sure what time we're supposed to meet at the church. Plus all the bridesmaid duties that I am unaware of, lol. Then it's party time after the wedding!! Yay!!

I am going to need my sleep, I hope Rylee sleeps better tonight than last night. And that she lets me sleep in until at least 8... I can hope right?

Oh and Rylee has two teeth now!!! She's been pretty cranked out and clingy lately. I can't wait for all the teeth to pop through.

I suppose I should get some sleep, good night!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sleepy time

Currently I am trying to get Rylee to go to bed. She's been in there for 45 minutes and still won't sleep. I've rocked her and swayed with her until she falls asleep but as soon as I lay her down she wakes up and rolls over and then gets angry. So, I figured I would just let her lay in there and figure it out. She was just talking and such but now it's kind of quiet. I'm not getting my hopes up yet.

It was super hot today! I loved it, but at the same time I didn't because we don't have a pool. The closest one is at my dad's, and it's not ready yet. We went out this evening and bought Rylee a little pool. I can't wait to use it with her tomorrow.It's supposed to be about 97 degrees! Talk about warm!

So, she might actually be out now. I hope so, I want to relax for the night. Get some reading done, maybe play a game and snuggle with James. He's been working a lot lately and we haven't had much time together. I wish we had a new movie to watch, but half the time we can't agree on one.

As much as I love talking with you I think it's time for me to go. I will try to post more often, but no promises. :-)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

It's June!

I'm such a slacker! It's been over a week since I've posted. We've just been hanging out basically. Went to a family function Sunday, it was nice to hang out for a while. We drove home in a horrible storm though, but Bug slept through the whole thing.

Last Saturday I went to a bachelorette party! One of my best friends is getting married the middle of the month and we all went out on Saturday. It was so much fun! My mom took Rylee and us girls spent the night in a hotel. We went drinking and dancing and had a blast! James spent time with his friends and did some stuff around the house.

We're going to have a date night tonight. Going to the movies and possibly dinner somewhere. But, first we have to wait for Rylee to wake up so we can take her to grandma's house.

The last two days it has been sooo hot, I've been enjoying it though. We got our window a/c unit put in so it hasn't been terrible inside. I took Rylee out in her pack and play the other day for a bit, just to get out of the house. She was having a great time until she decided to poo, lol.

My cutie bug!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


It's finally warm here! But, who knows for how long. I love summer! Michigan is fickle when it comes to choosing a type of weather to have. I need to get Bug a swimsuit that way we can go to grandpa's house and swim!

I think she may have thrush, I'm not entirely sure though. I thought initially that it was from having her binky in her mouth for too long at night, but now I'm not sure. Her lips are kinda white on the inside and then earlier they acted like they wanted to bleed. I have a hard time getting her to let me look inside to see if there are any spots on her cheeks or tongue. I figure if she still has the marks tomorrow I will take her to the doc and see what they say. I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Monday, May 16, 2011


It's been over a week since I posted. I apologize, we've been kind of busy around here. James has been working a lot and I've been spending time with my bug. Friday we had a playdate! We met a friend at the park and hung out for a couple hours. Rylee does not like swings. At first she was okay, but then she changed her mind, lol.

Saturday we were supposed to go to the Detroit Zoo with some family, but we got rained out. We went to a local petting zoo instead. They said it was supposed to be mostly inside, but it wasn't, lol. I just hope Rylee doesn't get sick from being out in the rain. I really don't think I could handle a sick baby right now. After that we went to lunch and visited with family. We brought James' sister home with us. She has been away at Emerson College and is now home for the summer. Needless to say Saturday was a long day with a lot of driving/riding.

Sunday, James had to work and I had a bridal shower to go to for one of my best friends. I had to take Rylee with me and it was a challenge. I had to be there right at the time that she naps to help set up. I went and stayed for about an hour then told Katie (the friend) that I had to get her home to a nap or else we wouldn't be able to stay for the afternoon. So, I got her home, she slept for about 45 min. We got there about 12:45pm and everything was going great until Katie did the introductions... everyone was hooting and clapping and getting into it, and Rylee didn't like that. She started bawling, the poor baby. I felt so bad, I had to try to calm her down while waiting for Katie to introduce me. Then I took her to the side and got her to stop. When they were opening gifts and the group would get rowdy Rylee would get scared and start crying again. After a while I gave up, I told Katie that we couldn't stay, Rylee kept spitting up and crying and she was getting restless because I couldn't really put her down to play. We had to leave early and I felt awful. I felt like I was being a terrible friend/bridesmaid. I couldn't even stay for her shower and help out. So, I came home, got Rylee a bottle then put her down for a nap, and I cleaned. I did laundry and just made sure the house was clean before James got home. After he got home we went and did a little grocery shopping finally. We had been dangerously low on groceries, lol.

Anyway, it was a long week(end). I wish we could have a date night or something. I feel like we need to get out of the house sans baby for just a night. I think it would do us some good.

I hope everyone has a great week!